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Payback’s Pointers #3 – Don’t Be A Moron

I have noticed that too many clients can not follow simple directions. This should not have been as surprising to me as it is, but perhaps I over value people’s intellects. It is amazing to me how I can go 6-1 for my clients and yet some of them still lose money.

These are 3 things you can do that make your sports consultant think you are a moron:

  • If I send you 5 games to wager on, then you should wager on them all. Don’t eliminate certain games because you do not like the pick. You DO NOT know what you are doing!!!
  • If I send you a team and tell you to wager on them on a certain point spread, BET THAT SPREAD!!! Countless times clients bet a diff spread by a half of a point here or there and lose. With alternate spreads you can do whatever I Tell you.
  • DO NOT combine all my picks into 1 Parlay and not bet the games straight unless you are advised that way. Parlays are for suckers for the most part as tempting as they are. Don’t get me wrong, I have hit Huge Parlays but again, I know what I am doing, and you do not.

You are paying me for a reason, remember that reason and remember: